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Jovaru Lithuanian Farmhouse
Omega Yeast Jovaru Lithuanian Farmhouse OYL-033 is born from an exclusive partnership with the famed Jovaru Brewery's "queen of Lithuanian farmhouse beer", this unique yeast complements farmhouse beers with citrusy esters and restrained phenols. The strain produces a character of lemon pith, black pepper, and a soft mouthfeel.

This strain test positive for the STA1 gene, an indicator of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus. This strain may have the ability to metabolize dextrins over time, resulting in higher than expected attenuation.

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  • Flocculation: Medium-Low
  • Attenuation: 76-82 percent
  • Temp Range: 70-95F
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 10 percent

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