This product is out of stock but may still be purchased; please call (888) BREW-NOW so we can expedite the process!
Imperial L26 Pilgimage Lager
Wonderful Choice for a house lager strain. Combines clean fermentation adn accentuates malt profile to create balanced and nuanced lagers.

A yeast brought to brewers from a higher power. Pilgrimage will produce lagers witha very clean profile that can accentuate the flavors and aromas of pilsners malt along with the aromatics of noble hops. This lager yeast is very versatile and does well for all lager styles from Helles to Dopplebock. This strain is season. Available limited times.

  • Temp: 52-58F
  • Attenuation: 71-75%
  • Flocculation: Medium
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 10% ABV
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