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Japser Czech Lager JY001
Jasper Yeast Czech Lager JY001 JY001 is a beautiful strain straight from the heart of where pilsner styles beers originated. Isolated from a small Czech microbrewery by Jasper Yeast. Very smooth taste with a touch of maltiness, this yeast will bring out the best in your refreshing lager! Aromatics produced complement hoppy pilsners perfectly, and smooth taste that lets the malt shine. A very slow starting strain but one that keeps on chugging until the job is done. Can be used at higher temps without problems, lagering cold when fermentation has completed for a minimal of 3 weeks is advised. Flocculates very hard, resulting in an almost solid yeast cake - plan ahead when you plan to repitch.
  • Origin Czech Republic
  • Temp Range: 45-65F
  • Flocculation High
  • Attenuation: 69-75%
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 9%
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