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Cryo Centennial Hops 1oz

Developed by Yakima Chief Hopunion, Cryo Hops represents the most innovative technology in hop processing. It uses a proprietary cryogenic separation process which preserves all components of each hop fraction, producing two simultaneous co-products, LupuLN2 and Debittered Leaf. LupuLN2 is the concentrated lupulin of whole-leaf hops containing resins and aromatic oils. It is designed to provide intense hop flavor and aroma, enabling brewers to dose large quantities of hops without introducing astringent flavors or vegetative cone material.

APPLICATION AND USAGE LupuLN2 may be used anywhere pellet hops can beused and are best used for late kettle and dry hop additions. As a starting point for recipe formulation or modification dose rate is estimated at 50% of pellets by weight. It is best used in beers defined by their hop flavor and aroma with hop loads of at least 1 lb/bbl in late kettle or dry hop additions where a larger yield increase will occur from substituting out pellets or whole leaf.

Great for IPA's and pales ales as well as sessionable style beers.

  • Alpha Acids: 14.1%
  • Aroma: Lemon, Floral

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