1/5 normal solution. The sodium hydroxide is a refill for our acid testing kits.…
Stainless Steel baster. Great for taking samples of your beer or wine for hydrometers or for simply giving it…
Replacement syringe for acid testing kit. The syringe is also handy for figuring out blending quanities when you just…
Simply dip once for a quick sample of your beer, wine or cider. Unique design allows you to insert…
SO2 Test kit. Requires titrettor. Includes 10 titrets. Will test the sulphite levels in dry white wines…
10" Triple Scale Hydrometer with specific gravity, potential alcohol & Balling scales. SPG (.986 - 1.170), Calibrated for 60F. …
Vinometer is an easy way to see the alcohol percentate in your wine. Scale 0-25% alcohol by volume. …
LaMotte - BrewLab Basic Water Test kit 7189-02The BrewLab® water testing kit, model 7189-02 for homebrewers quantifies 6 important water…
This wine sampler sometimes known as a thief breaks down for easy cleaning and storage Great for taking samples…
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