Wyeast 3031-Private Collection Saison-Brett Blend™ Profile: A blend of Saison yeast and Brettanomyces creates a dry and complex ale. Classic…
Wyeast 5112 Brettanomyces Bruxellensis is a strain of wild yeast was isolated from brewery cultures in the Brussels region of…
Wyeast 5335 Lactobacillus. L. buchneri. This culture produces moderate levels of acidity and is commonly found in many types of…
Wyeast 3278 Belgian Lambic blend contains yeast and bacteria cultures important to the production of spontaneously fermented beers of the…
Wyeast 5733 Pediococcus. Lactic acid bacteria used in the production of Belgian style beers where additional acidity is desirable.…
Wyeast 3763 Roeselare Ale blend of lambic cultures produce beer with a complex, earthy profile and a distinctive pie cherry…
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